We accept secure payments through the First Atlantic Commerce payment gateway.
Your payment for purchases made on this site is processed securely by First Atlantic Commerce. Here are some of the ways that we keep your information secure:
- We do not store, process, or transmit any cardholder data.
- All sensitive details are securely processed through the First Atlantic Commerce payment gateway.
- We send you a confirmation email when a payment is successful or has been declined.
- We use industry-leading encryption and fraud prevention tools to keep your information secure while using our site.
We take security very seriously. When a purchase is made, cardholders are sent from our site to a trusted PCI DSS compliant (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards) payment page to enter payment details and complete the order. The cardholder is then redirected back to our site once the order is completed. We do not therefore store, process, or transmit cardholder data.
All information handled by our website is secured and encrypted using a 256-bit SSL (Secured Socket Layer) certificate.